Welcome to the
Jeff Brown website
Hello, I'm Jeff, welcome to my website. It is a bit nippy out, so let me know if you want me to put the kettle on.
I'm a good few years older than in this picture, but it looks like I'm offering you a warm welcome (at the time I was attempting a condor impression, but it doubles up as a nice welcome).
My book details, travel picture links and money raised updates are below. Hope you find whatever you are looking for!

About the book
Can we do a deal? If you buy this book, to help me raise money for meningitis research, I’ll take you around the world. What do you think?
I’ll take that as a maybe. For this world trip, you just need a comfortable seat and a glass of something good. We are aiming to reach every continent, but I am merely ordinary so don’t blame me if we don’t get past Calais. Although I do promise you a disappearing hostel, wrong trains, flashing Danes, dangerous animals, lost cities, a thoroughly distasteful but delightfully English sweepstake, murder on the Inca Trail, a death defying comeback and so much more.
At the very least, read the seventh chapter, as your life or something even more important, may depend on it.
The small (but beautifully proportioned) introduction to the book is available on the button below. The introduction takes about 3 minutes 20 seconds to read but I think that by the 89th second you will probably know whether you want to read the book.

Travel diary pictures
The buttons below can whisk you away to pictures of my travels featured in the 'Ordinary Man In An Extraordinary World' book. The pictures are accompanied by captions that provide a little story of the trips but are mainly an excuse for some dodgy puns.
Money raised and book sales
I set out to raise £2,000 for the Meningitis Research Foundation from "An Ordinary Man's Travels In An Extraordinary World". I finally reached that target in June 2024. Writing a book is a tough way to raise money but I am chuffed to finally reach the £2,000 mark. If you give me a drum roll I'll give you the latest figures (this isn't straightforward but I have all my fingers and toes out to help me with the calculation).
As at the 15th August 2024 the estimated money raised = £2,172​
Don't worry it is not too late to buy the book or make a donation to the Meningitis Research Foundation.

"Once a year, go somewhere you’ve never been before."