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August 2021 - Hiatus

I have spent eight months on the island of Hiatus rather than adding an update. Well, there has been a pandemic so that was the best I...

December 2020 - The wrong man

You are right - Christmas is all a bit different this year. Anyway, I'll leave you to your own Christmas merriment and tell you what has...

November 2020 - Just a quick one

Sales of my book have suddenly increased as people prepare for Christmas. Unfortunately, for raising money, most of the sales are from...

July 2020 - Through the barrier

July has been busy. I have been travelling to Salar de Yumi in Bolivia, Kuang Falls in Laos and Samarkand in Uzbekistan. Well, I can...

June 2020 - A day in lockdown

The diarist in me has taken over the blog this month. For the last 7 years my alarm had gone off at 6.15. The beauty of lockdown is that...

April 2020 - Spare bedroom

Last month I confirmed that I wasn’t resting on my laurels and didn’t even know what laurels were. It turns out that the saying...

March 2020 - Record month

It has been my record month for book sales. Hooray! Unfortunately, it is my record low month. Boo! It looks like it is just two books...

February 2020 - The King and I

In January my book managed to help me to visit a king. It came about because of a final radio interview that took me to the most amazing...

January 2020 - Desperate

When I last provided a proper update it was 2019 and my brief foray into radio interviews had seemingly petered out. Myself and my son...

December 2019 - Cheating

I'm on a once-a-month trajectory for my newsletter/blog/update/Arthur (whatever you want to call this) and really don't want to miss...

October 2019 - Workings of Amazon

It has been fascinating to see the workings of Amazon from an author perspective. Specifically, I wanted to know why the Amazon site...

August 2019 - Published!

On the 13th August I received a phone call from my 10 year old son. 'Dad, a parcel has arrived. I think it is the book.' I said 'Do you...

July 2019 - Everything but the girl

It is almost 3 weeks since my last update and I am only a little further forward. My marketing man persona still hasn't arrived yet but I...

Almost published

I am edging ever closer to completing my book. Currently my 67th set of amendments are being carried out on my manuscript (the publishers...

Updates: Blog2
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